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An inspirational place to learn and play, helping us make the most of everyday “All things are possible to those who believe.” (Mark 9:23)

School Meals 

All our school meals are freshly prepared on-site by our catering team. They use regionally produced fresh meat and poultry, fruit and vegetables from suppliers based in West Yorkshire providing local and regional produce when in season and also free range eggs from East Yorkshire.  

Since September 2021, Mellors Catering Service provides our school meals.  Since December 2015 all school meals are required to adhere to the School Food Standards. All of our menus are checked to ensure they meet these government requirements. For more information download the full School Food Standards document.


Since September 2014, all children in Reception, Year One and Two are entitled to a free school meal.  For children in key stage 2 meals are priced at £2.50 per day.  Parents are billed & pay for their child's meal on ParentPay.  


Please note we are a nut free school (this includes nutella) as we have children with nut allergies in school.  Please be mindful that we also have children across the school with an allergy to sesame seeds as well as nuts.


Mellors Catering Service design the school menus to meet the varied and cultural needs of pupils and tailor menus to suit the unique requirements of each school following their individual specification.

Food is healthy, nutritious and designed with children and young people at heart. Mellors Catering Service work closely with our key suppliers for fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and fresh meat to ensure that the produce on the menus is of the highest quality with complete traceability.

Our school menus follow a three week cycle of menus which are revised each term to ensure variety and to make the most of seasonal produce, grown locally.

  • UK Farm Assured chicken, lamb, beef and turkey
  • Free Range Yorkshire Eggs
  • Responsibly caught and sustainable salmon and white fish
  • Dolphin friendly tuna
  • Local, seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables
  • We work to ethical trading standards and supply Fairtrade products where available and appropriate e.g. bananas and dry goods such as sugar and cocoa

All our produce is GMI free, has no hydrogenated fats and no artificial colours.


Please see our Spring Term menu below: 

Spring Menu Week 1

Spring Menu Week 2

Spring Menu Week 3

Packed Lunches  

Please could we encourage you to be mindful of what your child has in their lunchbox if they bring a packed lunch to school, to ensure they are getting a healthy and balanced diet.

Suggestions for food to include in a healthy packed lunch based on the Eat Well plate model:

Fruit and Vegetables - at least one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetables or salad.
Non-dairy source of protein - meat, fish, egg, beans or pulses such as lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, hummus, falafel and quorn.
A starchy food like bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereals.
Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais.
Drinks - the school provides water and this is what we would encourage children to drink, but lunch boxes can also include a healthy drink which does not include any added sugar, such as 100% pure fruit juice, semi-skimmed milk or smoothies (150ml).
Oily fish, such as salmon or tuna, should be included occasionally.

These foods should be kept to a minimum:

High fat, high salt, high sugar snacks such as crisps, sweet popcorn 

These foods should not be included:
Any food containing nuts or nut based products (this includes nutella) as we have children with nut allergies in school.  Please be mindful that we also have children in across the school  with an allergy to sesame seeds as well as nuts.
Confectionery such as chocolate bars and sweets.
Fizzy / sugary drinks. This includes diet drinks and energy drinks which can contain high levels of caffeine and other additives and are not suitable for children.

Occasionally, the following may be included:
Meat products such as sausage rolls, individual pies, corned meat and sausages / chipolatas should be included only occasionally due to their high fat and salt content.
Cakes and plain biscuits are allowed but children should be encouraged to eat these only as part of a balanced meal.


In warmer weather, we would advise that children bring packed lunches in insulated bags with freezer blocks where possible to stop the food going off, or that they have ice packs in their packed lunch boxes.

Due to health and safety risks in terms of the potential for burns and scalds and the increased risk of food poisoning as the food cools, we are unable to allow any hot food to be brought into school.

Please could we ask that children bring a water bottle to school every day. We are able to refill these bottles throughout the school day, as and when needed.


Please make sure you read and follow our Healthy School Guidance.

Free School Meals  

Statutory free school meals are available to children whose parents are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

  • Universal Credit (and your net combined household income is less than £7,400 a year after tax)
  • Income Support, Pension Guarantee Credit, Income-based Job Seekers Allowance.
  • Income-related Employment Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit Only (With No Working Tax Credit) and your Annual Taxable Income does not exceed £16,190.



If your child is entitled to a Statutory free school meal, then it's important you claim for it even if they are in Reception, Year One or Year Two and already receive a free school meal. This is because the school will receive additional funding for your child that will be used to support their learning and development.


Click to claim free school meals here.