Inspection Reports
Outcome: Thorner Church of England Primary School continues to be a good school.
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils love coming to school. Some of them say that Thorner Church of England Primary School is a "magical place’’. The school motto, "An inspirational place to learn and play, helping us make the most of every day’’, is an excellent description of this welcoming and happy school.
Leaders high expectations for every pupil are rooted in the school s strong Christian ethos. Adults and pupils alike have the school s values of perseverance, courage, respect, enthusiasm and ambition at the forefront of all they do. Leaders ensure that every pupil can be their very best in their learning and play.
Kind and respectful relationships exist between staff and pupils. Pupils rise to the high expectations that adults have of them. Behaviour in lessons and during unstructured times of day is excellent. There is very little bullying or name calling. Pupils know what
bullying is and what to do if it does happen.
Physical and mental health is a high priority. Pupils look forward to outdoor learning and active play in the well-considered outdoor environment. Pupils care for others and the world around them. They are very excited to have recently achieved an award for their
work to protect the environment.
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A SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults within the school community. Inspectors will consider the school's vision, its provision and how effective that provision is. Please click on the link below to view our SIAMS Report:
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