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An inspirational place to learn and play, helping us make the most of everyday “All things are possible to those who believe.” (Mark 9:23)

Modern Foreign Languages


Our intent for MFL:

We strive to stimulate and encourage children’s enjoyment and curiosity about languages and extend their knowledge of how language works. We also wish to develop the children’s understanding of other cultures and widen their perspective on the world. We develop the necessary skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing to enable children to use and apply their language learning confidently in a variety of contexts and so lay the foundations to inspire future language learning. Currently, our chosen foreign language is French.

Our intent is that students:

  • Access MFL learning throughout KS2.
  • Achieve their potential through high expectations and quality teaching.
  • Have the confidence to ask questions, take risks and develop a positive ‘have a go’ attitude.
  • Are equipped with skills to access spoken and written French.
  • Recognise the value of learning another language and lay the foundations for future language learning.
  • Access French through a balanced programme incorporating all four essential components – reading, writing, listening, and speaking. 

We implement MFL through:  

  • A curriculum designed to develop our children’s language skills as well as their love of learning a language and an appreciation of other cultures.
  • A sequential approach, which builds on prior knowledge and vocabulary developing language skills.
  • A range of spoken and written activities.
  • Activities designed to develop confidence such as games, songs, role play e.g. conversational work and opportunities to evidence learning through written work too.
  • Quality teaching and delivery of lessons where the language is effectively modelled.
  • Teaching which encourages children to improve the pronunciation and intonation of spoken French and apply the grammatical structures they have learnt to writing for different purposes.


The impact of our MFL approach

Our children are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to enable them to learn progressively as they move through KS2. They develop an appreciation of the French language, a love of language learning and transferable skills involving perseverance, confidence, and communication to support their future learning.


Thorner Modern Foreign Languages Progression Document: