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Thorner C of E

Primary School

Proud to be a part of the Elevate Multi Academy Trust

0113 2892541

Kirkhills, Thorner, Leeds LS14 3JD

Mrs G. Whawell - Headteacher

An inspirational place to learn and play, helping us make the most of everyday “All things are possible to those who believe.” (Mark 9:23)



Our intent for maths is:

  • To allow children to experience a sense of fascination and achievement as they solve a problem for the first time, discover different solutions and view maths holistically, recognising the interconnection between different stands of mathematics.
  • To provide pupils with a deep understanding of the subject though effective teaching incorporating a concrete, pictorial, and abstract approach.
  • To foster positive attitudes and excitement of discovery and ensure pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, developing conceptual knowledge and an ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.


The term ‘Mathematical Proficiency’ captures what it means for anyone to learn mathematics successfully. Mathematical proficiency consists of the following five components, or strands: 



We implement this in school through a range of different strategies:

  • In EYFS the delivery of mathematics closely follows the mastery approach to promote a deep understanding of the foundation blocks of mathematical concepts. New mathematical content is taught and practised through daily whole class teaching and then effectively developed throughout the day through the provision and resources around the setting, both indoors and outdoors. Staff interact effectively with small groups and individuals to promote mathematical competency and allow children to talk about their strategies for solving everyday problems as they explore their surroundings. Where necessary, children are given additional support to ensure that all children engage in maths at an appropriate level.  Maths is taught using a range of manipulatives and games as well as natural resources. The staff ensure that mathematical talk is used correctly and regularly as part of daily routines and procedures.
  • Our CPR approach ensures a creative and innovative sequential approach. The model consists of: 

              Conceptual Understanding: A focus on the mathematical concept and vocabulary acquisition

              Procedural Fluency: Practising the concept using a variety of representations

              Reasoning and Problem Solving:  Applying the understanding of the concept and procedure, to confidently reason and solve problems  


  • The White Rose Scheme of Learning is our primary tool to ensure that the mastery approach is continued and built upon throughout the school. The structure of the scheme allows pupils to constantly revisit and extend their knowledge of the mathematical strands and acquire a deep, long-term, secure, and adaptable understanding of the subject.


  • Throughout the school, we adopt the same lesson structure which includes the three sections below.


              I DO – The teacher introduces new mathematical content, carefully models examples, and addresses misconceptions.

     WE DO – The children use concrete resources or white boards to explore and practise new learning and share their ideas and solutions with their peers.

     YOU DO – The children are provided with activities designed to allow them to work independently and access further challenge.



  • Fluency skills are practised and embedded through a daily mental/oral starter at the beginning of every maths session and through morning challenge boards when the children arrive each morning. 


  • Children are given regular opportunities to explore, practise and apply their mathematical skills through active learning.


  • Targeted additional support is provided to ensure that gaps in learning are addressed and that children of all abilities access a positive and fulfilling maths learning experience.


  • Times Table Rockstars is used throughout Key Stage 2 to promote rapid recall and mental proficiency.


  • Children benefit from regular sessions where they are required to work collaboratively with their class peers and sometimes across year groups.


The impact of our Maths approach is: 

  • Children can talk confidently about Maths and the concepts surrounding the CPR model.
  • Children are enthusiastic about their maths learning and are happy to explore and share their understanding in a safe environment where misconceptions are quickly addressed and achievement is recognised and celebrated.
  • Children can demonstrate a secure understanding of mathematical concepts using a range of strategies, resources and representations.
  • Children have excellent arithmetic recall and adopt the most efficient strategies to suit their needs.
  • Children reason and problem solve with confidence.


Impact is also measured through outcomes, nationally reported at Early Years, End of KS1 and End of KS2 data. Maths outcomes are internally recorded on a half termly  basis.


Impact is also measured through the school’s assessment systems, which include: 

  • Insight judgements 
  • Elevate moderation 
  • Summative Assessments (PUMA and White Rose mini assessments)   



Maths Presentations

Please find below the Maths presentations for each year group explaining how maths is taught at Thorner Primary School. 

 Maths at Thorner in Reception.pdfDownload
 Maths at Thorner in Year 1.pdfDownload
 Maths at Thorner in Year 2.pdfDownload
 Maths at Thorner in Year 3.pdfDownload
 Maths at Thorner in Year 4.pdfDownload
 Maths at Thorner in Year 5.pdfDownload
 Maths at Thorner in Year 6.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Outdoor Maths 

We like to make the most of our outdoor learning space. Please follow the link to see children across the school enjoying outdoor maths activities.

A Snapshot of Outdoor Maths


Click below to view photos of children learning maths through a range of active activities within the classroom and outdoors. 

 A Practical Approach

Practical Maths throughout year 1 

Artful Maths Whole School Project

During Summer Term 1, children of all ages participated in a whole school Artful Maths project. We had lots of fun using mathematical skills and knowledge to produce some exciting mathematical creations. Please click on the link below to view the presentation: 

Whole school Artful maths project 2022.pptx


Target Number Challenge


White Rose Maths 

We follow the White Rose Scheme of Learning. Please click below to view the White Rose Calculation Policies.

Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy

Multiplication and Division Calculation Policy


Teach Active (Active Maths)

Teach Active (formally known as Maths of the Day) is an online resource we subscribe to as a school which combines physical activity and Maths. The children from Reception up to Year 6 really love their active Maths lessons and we are sure they would enjoy doing some of these activities at home too.

Teach Active (Active Maths) Guide for Parents 



Key Instant Recall Facts

Please click HERE for a guide on how to support your child in learning the Key Instant Recall Facts for Maths (KIRFs)



Times Tables Rock Stars 

Times Tables Rock Stars Guide for Parents