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An inspirational place to learn and play, helping us make the most of everyday “All things are possible to those who believe.” (Mark 9:23)



Music Development Plan 2024-25

Our intent is to inspire children to be creative and expressive whilst building on their self-confidence in music lessons which are planned and delivered inline with the National Curriculum objectives.

We implement our music approach by following a progressive scheme of learning throughout the school (from EYFS to Y6) which allows children to develop their musical abilities through listening and appraising, singing and playing musical instruments. In EYFS, children also develop musical skills through the areas of provision and learn to sing songs and nursery rhymes. Children have the opportunity to access high quality music lessons with a specialist teacher which is delivered once a week and classes take part in drumming lessons. As a school, we love hearing all the children sing altogether during collective worship and enjoy watching them shine when performing to wider audiences. We ensure all activities are accessible for all children, including those with SEND, and make any necessary adaptations to meet their needs with an appropriate level of challenge and opportunity.

The impact of our music approach is that our children have a good sense of musical composition and are confident performers.


Pupil Voice

I have loved focussing on an ABBA song, I enjoyed listening to the song and then clapping or tapping to the beat.

Drumming means we can be loud and have freedom to make our own rhythm.

I enjoy using the drums to copy the different beats from the teacher or my friends.