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An inspirational place to learn and play, helping us make the most of everyday “All things are possible to those who believe.” (Mark 9:23)

Showcasing Our Work & Achievements 2023-24


Well done to all the children who took part in the BrownLee Traithlon, they all did AMAZING! 

Afterschool Club

There is never a dull moment during this afterschool club! Who doesnt love a good campfire!  @GoWildOutdoors

Forest School

The children are loving our new Forest Club provider, the amazing @GoWildOutdoors


World Art Day - 15th April 2024

On Monday, we celebrated World Art Day. Following an assembly to launch the day, the children took part in a whole school project on portraits. Each class used  different styles and techniques. 

I hope you will take a minute to enjoy the presentation I have put together to showcase their work. We are so proud of the children, and I am sure you will be impressed by their creativity and the quality of their finished pieces.


Year 5 Class Trip

Year 5 had a very busy day at Magna! We explored each pavilion and took part in an exciting volcano workshop where we investigated eruptions and the formation of new rock. Well done Y5!

Easter Experience

Year 4 and 5 have been treated this week to an Easter experience in church. We learnt about the stations of the cross in an interactive workshop. We even had to wash each others shoes to understand how Jesus may have felt when cleaning the feet of his followers!

Sublime Science

We were so excited to welcome Sublime Science into school to run some exciting workshops!

First, we enjoyed an assembly where we explored the properties of some materials before taking part in fascinating activities with our class, including making slime! To finish the day, we launched a rocket on the school field!

Maple Class

Maple have been excellent geographers this half term! They have analysed data and undertaken fieldwork in the village to find out how sustainable the methods of transport in Thorner are.

Forest School with GoWild Outdoors Ltd

Reception are loving their Friday morning Forest School sessions!  

World Book Day

Thank you for your support with World Book Day.  The children looked fantastic in their book themed costumes and enjoyed lots of fun reading themed activities throughout the day.  It was wonderful to see the older children reading with the younger children and there were also some mystery readers visiting some of the classes.  Thank you to the children and staff for entering into the spirit of the day.

Sporting events

We are so proud of all of the children who have represented the school this term in a number of events.  The children all did us proud in the West Yorkshire Cross Country finals and both the teams of boys and girls demonstrated excellent football skills, along with all of our school values in the recent football tournaments. The girls team came 2nd overall and have been awarded football kits as prizes.

Beech Class Trip

Stepping back in time to an era when children were seen, but not heard!  Beech class visited Ripon Workhouse to experiance the Victorian life.  The  children’s costumes were amazing and certainly added to the authenticity of the day!

Takeover Day

Well done to the children who took on roles as part of Takeover Day today.  It was brilliant to see the children approaching their roles with such responsibility and enthusiasm.  They did a fantastic job!  Thank you to Miss Davies for co-ordinating the day and to the School Council who helped with the shortlisting process. Also, thank you to the parents who gave up their afternoon to talk to the children in Key Stage 2 at the Careers Fair.  Your support with this was much appreciated. 

Hawthorn Class

Had a brilliant day at The Royal Armouries.

Cedar Class

Had a wonderful trip to The Deep.

Olympic Medals

Today we were delighted to be joined by our former pupil, Hollie Wilson along with her Olympic medals! Hollie explained how she has persevered on her journey so far in swimming which has led to her representing Great Britain at the Youth Olympic Festival. We were so inspired!

PTA Christmas Fair

A big thank you to the PTA and the Playleaders, supported by Mrs Daniel, for organising a very successful Christmas Fair, which raised over £600, which is an incredible amount!  Thank you for supporting this event.

Christingle Service

Thank you to Rector Jonathan Brennan for leading the service and to the Junior Choir, who sang beautifully. 

Cedar Class Nativity ‘A Miracle in Town’

The children did a fantastic performance, singing, speaking and acting with such confidence!  Thank you to Miss Bushell and the Cedar Class staff for supporting the children to shine!

Christmas Dinner

It was delicious and the children loved listening to Christmas music whilst they ate!  Thank you to our fabulous catering team who did a brilliant job of cooking us a delicious Christmas dinner!

House Ball Skills Competition

The children showed such enthusiasm and ambition in our Christmas themed House Ball Skills Competition last week.  Well done to all of the children and thank you to Mrs Colaluca for organising the competition and to the Playleaders for supporting each class to take part in the event during the day.  

Christmas Concert

The children really got us all in the Christmas spirit this week with their amazing singing! 


Thank you to the PTA for funding a trip to the Victory Hall to enjoy the pantomime ‘Sleeping Beauty’.  What a fantastic end of term treat.  The children (and staff) really enjoyed it!

Elm Class

Current DT project.... clay Tudor roses.

Maple Class

What a brilliant DT day! Year 5 have researched, designed and created some marvellous marble runs. Every child showed so much creativity, perseverance and enthusiasm for their learning. We are so proud of your achievements today Maple, as well as your amazing teamwork! 

Hawthorn Class

Had fun making Greek Meze in D.T                                  

Children in Need

These year 5 pupils organised thier own fun run to raise funds for Children in Need.   

Green Flag Award

We are excited to let you know that we have again achieved Eco-Green flag status with merit.

Our Eco-committee would like to thank the whole school for supporting our many objectives, including reducing the amount of paper we use, ensuring lights are turned off and of course not forgetting our ‘tech-free’ day.

This year we have been awarded a plaque, which will be proudly displayed inside the entrance of the main school door for our school community to celebrate this amazing achievement.

We would also like to thank our parents who have also supported us.

With good wishes.

Mrs Daniel (Eco-coordinator) and the Eco-committee.

Maple & Oak Class

Our year 5 & 6 classes took part in a finance workshop. 

Remembrance Service

Our Remembrance Service was lead by year 6.  They wrote beautiful poems and readings.  It was a poignant service. 

Maple & Oak Class

Our year 5 & 6 classes took part in workshops with the Dove Self Esteem team. Their aim is to help children enjoying a positive relationship with the way they look, reach their full potential; improve their body-confidence and ultimately their self- esteem. @DoveSelf  @Unilever

Cross Country

Well done to our cross country runners who participated in the first event of the year.

Havest Festival

Thank you for all your donations for our Harvest Festival collection for

Oak Class 

Oak class had an amazing residential at PLG Newby Wiske 

I hope you can see from the photos how well the children worked together as a team, their enthusiasm, perseverance, ambition and courage speaks for its self. 

I am very proud of each and everyone of them, they were absolutely amazing and real ambassadors for Thorner.  

Maple Class

Year 5 have shown incredible teamwork and communication skills in our #CommandoJoe missions! They have built bridges, dens and vehicles and have found solutions for every problem thrown their way. Great work Maple!

Maple & Oak Class

Year 5 and 6 shared their knowledge of Trade Specialisation in an Economics lesson on Friday. We were so grateful to have this opportunity from one of our former pupils and so impressed by the children's understanding of the economy.

Maple Class

Maple have started the year with a splash! We have been working on our problem solving skills, focusing on communication. What a fantastic team! Well done Year 5!