Our vision is that Thorner Church of England Primary School will be an inspirational place to learn and play, helping us make the most of every day!
Our high-quality computing education is intended to equip all pupils with a deep understanding and the skills and knowledge to begin to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.
Our computing curriculum has natural deep links with Mathematics in terms of systematic thinking and logical processes. There are many other links across the curriculum. This can be in computer aided design in Design and Technology, animation and creating pictures in Art, internet research in History, data collection in Geography, creating music and Science or digital presentations to aid Speaking and Listening. We want pupils at Thorner Church Of England Primary School to see the value in having excellent computing knowledge and skills. We want pupils to recognise the links between what we teach and application in the real world and the endless possibilities computing can offer.
In our Early Years Foundation Stage, we implement the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework ‘Understanding of the World’ (March 2017). Children access a range of technologies, both digital and non-digital in their early lives. Exploring with different technologies through play provides opportunities to develop skills that children will go on to develop in their lifetimes. We use iPads to support reading, phonics and maths as well as teach children about the importance of keeping themselves safe when using electronic equipment and the internet.
Thorner Church Of England Primary School teaches the Computing National Curriculum which can be seen in the documents below. The Teaching of Computing within Elevate Multi Academy Trust, is based on the aims and purposes outlined in the National Curriculum. It has high fidelity with the academic discipline of computing learning.
Our curriculum is guided by the following academic fingerprint which is derived from the National Curriculum Purpose and Aims:
Children will:
- Learn through logic and creativity.
- Gain a solid understanding of programming, which is the foundation of this curriculum. Children will develop their understanding of the construction of computer programs.
- Collate, manipulate and present data.
- Experience the curriculum through a range of devices and software. They will create digital artefacts that achieve specific purposes.
- Understand how to keep themselves and others safe online.
We have carefully designed a knowledge rich curriculum, underpinned by a progression of skills. The knowledge and skills build incrementally and at age-appropriate levels so to ensure that by the end of Key Stage 2 children know, understand and apply the subject content specified in the Programme of Study for computing.
The computing curriculum has been split into three strands:
- Computer Science - The knowledge of computers and computation including system architecture, algorithms and programming.
- Information Technology - How computers are used in different sectors and the methods used to create digital artefacts such as presentations, spreadsheets and videos.
- Digital Literacy - The skills and knowledge required to be an effective, safe and discerning user of a range of computer systems’.
Supporting documentation – The Teach Computing Curriculum lessons and resources have been identified as a recommended resource to support the delivery of this Computing Progression Model. The Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Teacher Guides can be accessed via the link.
The Teach Computing Curriculum contains everything that is needed to deliver inspiring and engaging lessons whilst allowing for the flexibility to meet individual school needs. Lessons are delivered from lesson plans with accompanying slide shows. We have included additional units that go beyond the expectations of National Curriculum, whilst also providing ‘Catch-Up’ units to close gaps in learning.
To support our teaching we incorporate many of the units from the Purple Mash scheme of work. The Purple Mash scheme of work exposes children to a wide variety of digital tools, technological skills, and innovations. We use a range of ICT resources as well as offering unplugged activities.
We adapt our teaching and learning activities to cater for the needs of all our pupils, including pupils with SEND. We plan activities to meet pupils’ individual needs which include an appropriate level of challenge and equitable opportunity. Being part of Elevate Multi Academy Trust we have a ‘Keep Up Not Catch Up’ approach to learning.
Being part of Elevate Multi Academy Trust our school aims to be part of a family of professional and aspirational academies, where children are valued, inspired and confident. We share a relentless determination that every child can achieve and no child is left behind. Children, staff and families are at the heart of everything we do. We have high expectations for all, in all we do. Improvement is at the heart of professional partnership and collaboration. Our outcome driven practice is informed by reflection, analysis and research.
Our curriculum puts the core of computing, computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming, at the fore.
All pupils have access to iPads and/or laptops to support their learning. Vocabulary is always a focus and from an early age, pupils begin to use programmable toys such as Bee Bots. As early as Year 1, pupils are beginning to use basic code in programmes. By the end of the primary phase, pupils can create their own applications from the beginning of the process to the end.
Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate, able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology, at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. Computing is woven throughout our curriculum and wherever possible, cross curricular links are encouraged to deepen children’s learning.
We are passionate about e-safety and educating our children how to stay safe online. It is our key priority to ensure children have the skills and confidence to access a range of materials safely and responsibly and are equipped to take appropriate action should they need to. We also empower staff, parents, carers and the wider community with up to date information regarding keeping children safe online. We also encourage our families to use the NSPCC guidance found at:
At Thorner Church Of England Primary School each year group has a half termly focus on an aspect of e-safety. Common Sense Education lessons and resources are used to support the delivery of this part of the Elevate Multi-Academy Trust Computing Progression Model. Common Sense Education provides digital citizenship lessons for UK learners that meet the best practice recommendations of Education for a Connected World.
Please keep a close eye on our monthly e-safety newsletters which aim to keep parents informed of the key messages that we share with our pupils.
We see the impact of our curriculum in the outcomes of every lesson. We know children learn more and remember more as they progress through school as the curriculum revisits key knowledge and skills. This can be through their basic mouse and keyboard skills to more specific areas such as their knowledge of algorithms within programmes. Pupils understand the importance of staying safe online and what to do if they have any concerns.
We continually review and evaluate our computing curriculum. We aim to develop pupils’ understanding of more specific knowledge as pupils move through school. We regularly provide pupils with opportunities to apply such a wide range of their computing skills and knowledge.
Here's what our children say:
“Purple Mash is so much fun! I enjoy using the Purple Mash website as there are lots of online learning tools, resources and games which I can use in the classroom and at home. I like using the creative tools to paint pictures and using 2Code to design my own coding”.
"We get to use loads of different apps in school. I like programming the Beebots, playing on Times Tables Rock Stars, Purple Mash and Spelling Shed."
"I know how to keep myself safe when I am online."