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An inspirational place to learn and play, helping us make the most of everyday “All things are possible to those who believe.” (Mark 9:23)

Showcasing Our Work & Achievements 2022-23

GSAL Maths Challenge 

Four of our year 5 students had the opportunity to compete at the annual #MathsChallenge in partnership with @MathsCityLeeds @TheGSAL

Maple Class

In Year 5, we had a blast creating, and testing, water-powered rockets. The results were out of this world! We are so proud of our creations. What a way to launch the week!

Brownlee Triathlon

Well done to everyone who took part in the Brownlee Well done to everyone who took part in the Brownlee Triathlon


Easter Egg Competition

Children (with a little help from home) where asked to turn an egg into an artistic masterpiece!! Look at these “eggcellent” entries!!

Comic Relief Red Nose Day 17th March 2023

Mosque Visit

Year 3 and 4 had a brilliant time at the Mosque! They could describe and identify objects and key features of this beautiful place of worship and they were excellent, respectful representatives of Thorner School!

Mosque Visit 

Year 1 and 2 loved their visit to the Mosque! They embraced the whole experience and even tried on some traditional clothing. The children built up their knowledge of the features of the Mosque and drew these in beautiful detail.

3 Faiths Visit

This week, year 5 and 6 visited a Gurdwara, Synagogue and Mosque all in one day! They were able to describe and make connections between the key features of the different religions and religious places whilst exploring the diversity of our community. 

Extreme Reading Challenge

We had some amazing entries for our Extreme Reading challenge!

World Book Day 

We had an amazing World Book Day, superb effort from everyone! #WorldBookDay #WorldBookDay2023

Maple Class

Year 5 were outstanding performers at the Young Voices concert in Sheffield.

We sung from our hearts and made ourselves proud!

Leeds City Final Cross Country

Well done to all the children who ran for Thorner at the Leeds City Final Cross Country event at Temple Newsam.

Thorner Takeover Day

We're having an amazing day here at Thorner with the successful candidates of Take Over Day... meet the new staff of Thorner! 

They have all done so well taking over and letting the staff put their feet up for the day!!

Careers Fair

Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 enjoyed learning about different professions at our career fair this afternoon. Thank you to the people who kindly gave up their time to come into school for the careers fair. 

Leeds United Girls Tournament

Our girls’ football team took part in the Leeds United tournament this week at Goals and played with great skill and determination. Two wins and two losses meant a third place finish in the group stage, and the disappointment of narrowly missing out on the knockout rounds but each of the 10 players gave their all, committed to the team cause and left with smiles on their faces.

Maple Class

Year 5 shared their sporting skills at Leeds Beckett University this week. All children demonstrated our school values and were a credit to our school. 

Maple Class

Maple have worked incredibly hard in science. We have been learning about forces! Look at some of our investigations. We tested friction as well as water and air resistance and finished our topic by making some gears!

Maple Class

Maple have been very resilient in our Commando Joe sessions. They have transported water, collected ‘food’ and built bridges, shelters and vehicles. They found it challenging but have all succeeded in their missions!

Oak Class Football Team

Well done you our year 6 team who played in the Leeds United Primary Stars tournament yesterday...amazong team work and team spirit! Next stop Leeds United’s training ground! 

Oak Class

Oak Class had an amazing time on residential, here are some of the things they got up to. 

The School Council

The School Council, with support from Miss Davies have had a busy week, giving up their morning playtimes to sell the Children in Need merchandise.  The School Council also did a brilliant job of talking to the children in assembly to tell us what Children in Need is all about and who is helped by the money raised.  Thank you to the School Council and Miss Davies for all of their efforts. 

Harvest Festival

Thank you for all the amazing donations for Harvest Festival, these have been collected by @CryptLeeds

Oak Class Football Team

Great start to the league season in our first match. Lots of smiles.Children behaved really well and thoroughly enjoyed playing football together competitively for the first time. Looking forward to the next match in a fortnight! 

Thorner School

GOOAAALLL!!!  Thorner School showing off their football skills in the Thorner World Cup 2022

Maple Class

Maple started a sport-based research project this week, working with Leeds Beckett University. On our assessment day, they showed so much perseverance and were a credit to our school. Well done Maple!

Oak Class

Oak Class had an amazing time on residential and we were extremely proud of them all for demonstrating all of our school values and being excellent ambassadors for Thorner whilst away. 

Eco Green Flag

We are thrilled to announce that we have received confirmation that we have achieved our Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, recognising the work we have done as a school to learn about environmental issues as part of our curriculum and to take action to look after the environment, both in school and in the local community.  Our flag and certificate have now arrived.